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Faculty Open Educational Resources (OER): Getting started with OpenStax

OpenStax - getting started - with faculty from Santa Rosa Junior College

Open Stax Intro Video (1:45)

Want to create a free instructor account in OpenStax to get Instructor Resources?  (You can import the text directly from Canvas Commons, directions are above). OpenStax is a nonprofit 501c3 nonprofit associated with Rice University.  

1) Go to

2) Click on the Log In button to create an account and get verified (takes about 90 seconds!)

3) Click on a book you might be interested in adopting

4) Go to Instructor Resources

5) Under Instructor Resources, there will be PowerPoint slides for each chapter, Test Banks for each Chapter, and an Instructor Solution Guide for each chapter.    

6) There are also partner resources which includes some free resources such as using personal devices for classroom engagement. 

7).You can highlight your digital text, take notes and build a study guide. 

8) Happy adopting!

Import OpenStax texts (all or partial) directly from OER Commons.

Many California instructors highlighted in the showcase have adopted OpenStax texts.   (OpenStax is a non-profit 501(3)C affiliated with Rice University).  OpenStax texts have a b/w paperback print option (paperbacks are needed for incarcerated students) and integrate easily with our online bookstore, plus Amazon has also partnered with OpenStax. You can import OpenStax texts (all or partial) within your Canvas account.  Each instructor showcased in the Cool4Ed site tells how he or she uses the text, what ancillary materials are available and more. The description also includes peer reviewed information by faculty from California higher-ed institutions when available. 

The 30 sample course shells are housed in Canvas Commons, and can be found using the following search terms: CCC, OEI, OpenStax, and OER. There is one blank so faculty can embed their own OER content. Each shell is WCAG 2.0 AA compliant and has a Creative Commons Attribution license with attribution to be given to the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, funder of the OEI.

 Here’s how to adopt OpenStax texts:

1) Go to your Bridge/Canvas account
2) Click on the Canvas Commons button on sidebar
3) In Canvas Commons search box, type CCC, OEI, OPENSTAX
4) This will bring up all the OpenStax OER texts available in Commons 
5) You may wish to import all modules or certain modules only into a Canvas shell.  (You may want to import into an empty course shell at first.  Contact IT  in order to obtain empty shells). 
6) For any additional instructor resources, such as PowerPoint slides and test banks, you will need to create an account in OpenStax, find the text you are adopting and click on “Instructor Resources.”   There are also OpenStax partners listed. 

For more info:  
Online Education Initiative announcement about OpenStax and Canvas shells
Oxnard College
Video from Santa Rosa Junior College

OpenStax Intro video